Adam Hickey, the Senior Vice President of Maritime Fun Group, was in Galveston, Texas last week getting certified and teaching classes at AIMS International, the Amusement Industry Manufacturers and Suppliers International organization’s annual safety seminar.
The annual AIMS International Safety Seminar is a comprehensive safety-training experience for those responsible for the care and safety of the amusement industry’s guests. The seminar is world-renowned for its diverse curriculum and the quality of its instructors; classes are guided by today’s top industry professionals.
Adam was in front of the classroom to share his experience on Basic Waterpark Operations, Emergency Action Planning for Aquatic Facilities and Best Practices in Filtration for Aquatic Facilities.
While at the safety seminar, Adam received his designation of Certified Operations Professional, Level III. The AIMS Operations Certification Program is the only internationally recognized program for verification of knowledge and participation in the field of amusement ride operations. When someone receives a Level III certification, it will be clear that that person is a valuable asset to the amusement industry. A Certified Operations Professional has gained knowledge with years of experience, also unselfishly gives back to the industry from which he or she has benefited.